Our Educators
Please meet our friendly, passionate and supportive educators.
With Miss Rachael and Mr Dave owning Beehive Kindy for over 10 years, Beehive Kindy has built a reputation as being a warm and welcoming, family-orientated learning environment within the Redcliffe community.
Beehive Educators are always eager to participate in professional developmental work shops, in which can further qualifications and knowledge in the early years learning education.
The main focus at Beehive is to build nurturing and reciprocal relationships, with all children and families, whilst creating a strong connection within the local community.
By providing children with the consistent support, we are able to achieve developmental milestones, meet learning outcomes and also the needs of all.
It is also important to us that we work closely with our families, to explore insights to the child's home life, every day events and routines. By making sure we do this, we can provide children with further learning experiences which resonate with their family values, cultures and beliefs.
Children are naturally creative.
It is our job to give them the freedom, materials and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.
-Jean Vant Hul.
It is our job to give them the freedom, materials and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.
-Jean Vant Hul.